Lagoon camp lies on the shady banks of the Kwando River, nestled beneath towering ebony and marula trees. One of only two camps on the vast Kwando concession, a remote, wild and game lively area, Lagoon Camp offers a very exclusive safari experience.
Lagoon Camp lies on the shady banks of the Kwando River, nestled beneath towering ebony and marula trees. The densely forested site is home to a wide variety of birds and mammals. The stunning views and proximity to wildlife create a soothing and peaceful environment. The area has a well-earned reputation for big game, with seasonal large herds of elephants and buffalo. In the winter, herds of up to a thousand are not uncommon, with large numbers of elephants drinking at the riverbank in full view of the main camp deck.
This vast concentration of game attracts the attention of large predators, including the Lagoon wild dog pack, which regularly dens close to the camp. A highlight is the afternoon boat cruise, and seasonal fishing is also available.
The camp offers eight expansive tents, each with private decks, living areas, and bathrooms facing the river. All tents include both indoor and outdoor showers. One tent includes an additional twin room for family use. The main thatched areas of the camp feature a bar/lounge, dining area, curio shop, and a second-level library overlooking the river. The camp also provides a plunge pool and an outdoor deck with a swing for relaxation.